Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Local Abstraction - The Twilight Girls

The Twilight Girls
are a collaborative pair of female artists based in Sydney; Helen Hyatt-Johnston and Jane Polkinghorne. In August-September 2008, they exhibited their work World Wide Web at the ICAN in Sydney; a literal web of strung sticky matter (not quite sure what the actual substance is) enveloping an entire room of the gallery.

Reviewing the work in Eyeline, Adam Geczy (who I only just realised wrote the article) suggested that "When physically within the space, one became aware of the instability of the structure which, in its chaos, and it's cluttered riotous formlessness, stretched to every limit of the space." Both the conceptual abstraction of the title and the abstraction of the form itself (independent of the title) implies innumerable meanings and interpretations of the work; from the detrimental usage of the Internet to my favourite suggestion of Geczy's: "a vast quasi abattoir set up by a pair of female predators".

On a totally different note; Eleanor's post got me thinking about pigs and animals in art and I thought of that guy who tattoos pigs (Wim Delvoye), so I visited his website http://www.wimdelvoye.be/ It's a pretty cute layout - worth checking out.

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

wow.. i just checked out that website.. i am actually amazed, it is a really interesting concept. although i diagree with the process, it is quite amazing they can gey away with it.