Monday, May 11, 2009

Art and Time

Even before I read the Art & Today chapter on Art & Time, my brain skipped to the devastating, Australian film, ‘2.37’. The title is the time of day in the afternoon, and it is also the time of day that one of the characters will commit suicide. The plot is based around several characters, all of whom have good reason for giving up, and the momentum building up to the last, unfortunate scene is incredible. I saw this at the cinemas, and the movie had that much of an emotional pull that I don’t remember much for the rest of the day; I actually lost time.

time…art wise…
I found a ‘Time-Based Art Festival’, that is unfortunately in the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, which is running from S
ept- 3-13 2009.

The above mentioned website, announces the line up thus far. There are a load of You Tube videos to view, with short descriptions of some of the pieces.


Amanda Williams said...

the time based art festival looks great.... as we mentioned in yesterdays class... 'time based' describes the medium rather than the thematic subject of the work!

Amanda Williams said...
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