Monday, August 17, 2009

Art and the body- Marina Abramovic

The House with the Ocean View, 2002, performance, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, November, 2002

I thought this artist discussed in art and today was of much significance when discussing the ideas Eleanor Heartney has presented, especially in relation to the body used in performance art. As seen in the work below the body has become a medium and a subject matter in her works. She has explored the physical and mental limits of her being, she has withstood pain, exhaustion and danger in the quest for emotional and spiritual transformation. I find her performance art fascinating. As Heartney believes “performers throughout the world have found the human body to be an unusually versatile instrument. The artist’s works accentuate self-control, physical endurance, and risk.” which Abramovic has encompassed. Through the use of her body as a material Abramovic is able to take control of her “own subjectivity”. I found this work which was featured in the chapter fascinating. The fact she was able to live without eating, speaking, reading or writing seems unbelievable. It makes one wonder how much she was challenged mentally and physically.

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