Friday, October 30, 2009

Art and Politics

Satire always brings out interesting caricatures!
This work has combined 'American Gothic' by Grant Wood, and caricatures of Rudd and Julia Gillard, with a kangaroo in the background so people know it's in Australia if they're not aware who our prim minister is.
The roles in 'American Gothic' are the traditional roles of men and women. The pitchfork in the mans hand representing hard labour, the floral print and flowers behind the woman's shoulder suggest fragility and domesticity.
This satire can therefor be read as Rudd and the labour party being hard on Australians, and Gillard in the role of the old made or spinster speaks for itself. The kangaroo which has replaced the flowers can be taken two ways, as a pest for farmers or the Australian national emblem representing Australia.

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