Monday, October 5, 2009

Art & Architecture

Sacha Sosno, La Tete Carrée de Sonso (2002). Musée d’Art Modern et d’art Contemporain (MAMAC) Nice. 

Sacha Sosno designed this monumental (30m x 14m) sculpture. It is in fact a building – a public library, on the Museum grounds. Standing close to it you feel as though you are an ant, and that the body of the sculpture may emerge from the ground and unexpectedly flatten you.

I saw this when I was cruising around Nice and thought that the town were artistically advanced. It was a very useful landmark when I was on foot looking for the Museum as I am not the best map-reader.

I would love to go to work everyday in the big, box head, and I am sure that I would have bragging rights. Although I would probably be a librarian and that doesn’t sit to well with me, as I wouldn’t want to brag about that. No offence any budding librarians.

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