Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Art and Representation Jake and Dinos Chapman

CFC76311561 and Chapman Family Collection (2002) Painted wood and mixed material, Tate London reproduced from http://www.tate.org Accessed 01.04.09.

YBArtists, Jake and Dinos Chapman, serve constantly to arouse fear and abhorrence. Depicted amoral juxtapositions, in this case, through xenophobia and ignorance, are constructed using the most honoured techniques and detail.

With the Mc Donalds paraphenalia resplendent seemingly among the most primal spiritual gestures, the specimens illustrated, refer obviously, to colonization and ethical issues of globalization.

The artists are often berated for a humour,seen as an insult to the intelligences of their audiences* and draw criticism from Goya zealots, having 'improved' upon The Master's images, at stages in their career.

The link is to the Chapman's video of the installation HELL2, a reconstruction of an epic work lost, to a now famous inferno.


* ibid.

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