Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Simon Yates (Art & representation)

I thought I'd make use of my trip back to Melbourne by visiting a few galleries. I went to "New 09" at ACCA and one work which I thought fitted neatly into the category of "Art and Representation" and appealed to me was the animated robotic sculptures by Simon Yates. 
As you walk into the exhibition 2 life-size figures stand in the foyer. They are made a range of mediums including fishing rods, balsa wood and thin paper. They hold a couple of helium balloons each which hold them upright as well as causing them to have a slight rocking motion which gives them the human quality of not being completely still. This was very effective but what was even more amazing was that when you stood near each one for a while it would start walking around the foyer of the gallery. Each figure held water-divining sticks which could have been a comment on global warming/water consumption.
Apparently on the opening night of the show Simon Yates and his partner were dressed identically to the robots which was amusing and confusing for everyone there



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