Monday, April 6, 2009

Ross Bleckner - Art and Abstraction

Ross Bleckner, Dream and Do
1996, oil on linen, 84" X 72"

Ross Bleckner, Mysticism for Beginners
2001, oil on linen, 84" X 180"

In his many artworks, the artist Ross Bleckner exhibits an appeal that usually does not befit the generalised opinion of abstract art. His execution of colour is tender and delicate, warm and delicious; with themes which are abundantly repetitious.
His artworks leave you wanting, but what you want is questionable. Is it a ball or a bow? If not something visually present, what do the textures make you want? Do they make you hungry or want to open a gift?
In any case, we are left with aesthetically very pleasing artworks, which are in fact abstract.

1 comment:

Chris said...

haha i love the "warm and delicious" didn't know colour could be delicious