Monday, August 31, 2009

Art and Identity – Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago is a feminist artist who is well known for her installation The Dinner Party which addresses many issues about identity such as feminism, ethnicity and sexual orientation. The installation was first exhibited in 1979, with the purpose of "end the ongoing cycle of omission in which women were written out of the historical record," (Judy Chicago). The triangular table represents 39 “guests of honour” through the placement of symbolic china-painted porcelain plates. Each place setting has a table runner with a woman’s name embroidered on it, with images or symbols drawn from their story. Each plate features an image on the butterfly or a flower-like sculpture symbolic of a vaginal central core. The Dinner Party celebrates female accomplishments and the white floor of triangular porcelain tiles has the names of 999 notable women inscribed on them.

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