Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Identity is like a jacket p262

i found this week's chapter hard to understand because the topic identity is so huge. i had no idea how Heartney would summarise it.
After reading the chapter i was given a clearer idea of how it has been looked at by a lot of artists who play with race, sex, ethnicity, political correctness, multiculturalism, identity politics. And i think it will be even clearer after this weeks lesson.
I like how this type of work makes the viewer either (or have all the effects) celebrate, question and recognise identity.
This morning i was told about a girl last year who did a piece about her identity from changin from a women into a man. This would have been a big identity journey.
She felt that her identity was always a man inside and began to reconstruct the outside to fit her choosen identity.
I was completley fascniated by it and thought at once about the chapter i had read. finally i had something to talk about. i only wish Marley could have remembered more. i think i will follow up on it.
In the end identity is like a relfection in still water- it is only clearly visible until you reach out and try to graps it in your hand.p272

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