Monday, May 4, 2009

Art & Narrative : Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

Petite, 2001, installation

Dominique Gonzalez- Foerster is a media and installation artist whose works read as fragmented narratives. Her installation works generally draw on figures from literature, film, imagination and life experiences to create the atmospheric environments that flow like narratives open to an audiences interpretation. In this sense the viewer plays a major role in the reading of the artwork this way. 
" I want to transform the viewer into a detective, generate a seeking spirit for a research, a curiosity for other stories unless it is one's own: to stress the importance of all kinds of narratives as self-languages, and the value of all clues or vocabularies." - Gonzalez-Foerster.
 I thought her works clearly related to the ideas presented by Heartney.

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