Wednesday, May 6, 2009



I hadn't written the Pop Art theme as it was back when we hadn't learned how to blog properly. I thought I'd catch up now.

I saw an image of this work by Jeff Koons my sister had taken on an Art History trip to New York last year. Not knowing much about the work, and finding it nothing but hideous, i decided to ask her why she liked it and what exactly it was about.

Georgie- "So what's the deal with that hideous balloon dog sculpture by Jeff Koons and why do you like it?"

Alex- "Well, I think it's supposed to be hideous. It's about consumer culture. Koons work often reflects consumerism, especially in relation to the eighties. When I saw this work at MOMA, it was on the roof and he had organised tacky and extravagant cocktails to be given out. It's sort of a bit of a joke because it's a fake balloon which is a fake dog which is at a gallery."

The talk with her gave me much more of an insight into his work. I also commented that I like gruesome work that's aesthetically pleasing but pop art to me often isn't aesthetically pleasing. She said that when she saw it she did, in fact, find it aesthetically pleasing. Apparently you can see your reflection in it. This conversation made me think about how of our society is so artificial. We strive to achieve what is not real and we interact with things that aren't natural. We go to the gym (some of us) then sit at our computer and work or go on Facebook. I think people are increasingly less and less in touch with nature and now to the point where we have nearly lost nature.

 I've gone off on a bit of a tangent there but that's my late contribution to Pop Art.

Image derived from

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